toqeer toqeer Author
Author: toqeer
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How shapes of fruits hide in them the clue of their importance to our healthy bodies? THINK AND COMPARE WHILE READING:) GRAPES: Their shape...
How shapes of fruits hide in them the clue of their importance to our healthy bodies?


  1. GRAPES: Their shape resemble the alveoli i-e the structural and functional unit of lungs indicating that consumption of grapes prevent any type of lung disorder,keeping them efficient for gaseous exchange. It reduces the risk of development of lung cancer. 
  2. TOMATO: If sliced into two pieces ,it appears to have for chambers that relates it to the for chambered heart in humans indicating that it is marvelous for a healthy,efficient heart. 

  3. GARLIC: The semi colon like shape of a garlic slice resembles the shape of a human stomach revealing its importance for healthy stomach ,no constipation,no bowel irregularities. 

  4. BANANA: If its shape is carefully looked at then it resembles a brilliant facial expression i-e smile:) It reduces hypertension,depression and helps to keep the mood light. 

  5. WALNUT: Closely resembles a human brain indicating its importance for the development and nourishment of human brain. 

  6. CASHEW NUT: It resembles a kidney and must be consumed to reduce the risk of kidney disorders including failures and stones. 

  7. ALMOND: WOW!! resemble eyes,the most beautiful and prominent facial feature the beauty and luster of which can be enhanced by consuming almonds occasionally.

  8.  APPLE: close analysis reveals its resemblance to human cheeks;) indicating that it is best and a must for a beautiful,rosy face:) 

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